Air Freight

High quality service that’s flexible, reliable, and secure.

Air Freight.

Partnership is an over-used word, but it does go some way to describing our customer-focused services. We strive to bring much more to the relationship than simply a means of reaching your customers across the world.

Almost every industry sector has some special storage and handling requirements, and at Expert Cargo International we have the industry sector experience and global network to meet your needs, including:

– Cold Chain
– Temperature control
– Perishable Commodities
– Small Package Service
– Sensitive Equipment
– Project cargo, whatever the weight or configuration

We manage your import and export with no unnecessary costs, unpleasant surprises or annoyances.


With an enthusiastic and dedicated team of specialists, we specialize in the rapid organization of logistics worldwide. We manage your import and export with no unnecessary costs, unpleasant surprises or annoyances.


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Sharing your perspective and your challenges while seeking creative solutions that meet the needs of today and enable the opportunities of tomorrow!

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